


The absent intimacy of home in this project emerges as a political stand in relation to the modern capitalist structure of work, in which a dwelling is becoming the place of work again.

This re-actualizes the archetypal forms of labour exploitation, semantics of materials and policy of corporeality as we know from the mythologies.

In the 'Opus et Domus'project, Smrekar includes its hybrid family into the production of threads from a mixture of their hairs and her own hair in order to create a warm embrace of home. The archetypal relationship between people and dogs connected in the interested hybrid community thus evokes Frans de Waal's observation that 'the roots of politics are older than humanity.'

Collaborators: Lovrenc Košenina, Anže Sekelj, Michaela Selmani, Gia Gruden, Bojana Ažman 

Co-produced by: Click Festival / Kulturvaerftet (Denmark) and Kapelica Gallery/Kersnikova Institute (Slovenia) 

Supported by: Bikuben Foundation, Danish Arts Council, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Department of Culture of the Municipality of Ljubljana
