(soft) forces of production

(soft) forces of production is a commissioned artwork as part of the “Follow Fluxus - After Fluxus” award by the NKV Wiesbaden in Germany that culminated in a solo exhibition titled "Dooms of Love" including K-9_topology: I Hunt Nature and Culture Hunst Me (2014), Opus et domus (2018) and Superposition (2023).
During the development of the exhibition, Smrekar’s dog Ada unexpectedly passed away and could no longer appear alongside her in the Opus et Domus performance. Smrekar decided to honor her companion and collaborator with a new work that connects to Opus et Domus.
In (soft) forces of production the social fabric spun from Ada’s and Smrekar hair therefore forms the central element of an embroidery displayed on a heavy metal technical desk. The embroidery features an illustration based on an old photo of Smrekar with her first dog companion, Bas, from 1984, overlaid with the drawing of an adult female body. For Smrekar, this childhood photo embodies the essence of belonging: dogs have been an integral part of her life and family since her earliest memories. Their presence has profoundly shaped her personal and social life – a connection that culminates in her artistic practice.
The work references the Marxist discourse on the forces of production, traditionally understood as the collective force of human labor. In contrast, (soft) forces of production draw from Smrekar’s personal experience, in which the intertwined efforts, skills, knowledge, time, and bodies of both human and dog contribute to the creation of the (art)work. This perspective departs from the traditional narrative of human dominance over nature, and acknowledges animals as (artistic) collaborators. The (soft) forces of production thus emphasizes the shared capacity of humans and animals to create social value and develop a resonant artistic expression.
Design and planning: Deja Vrbnjak Kocijančič
Embroidery and production assistance: Zlata Ziborova
Execution: Jože Zajc
Wallpaper design: Lana Grahek, Zlata Ziborova
Produced by Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden / Follow Fluxus – After Fluxus Scholarship 2023, Germany.